Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Let me start by commenting on how beautiful the water's edge and sand dunes were today. The summer storms of late have been creating a diverse pallet on the beaches of Wellfleet. I am usually searching for my "rock of the day" when I walk the shore. The violent thunderstorms of last Thursday were amazing. I went to the end of the road where I could view PTown getting hit. The lightening was powerful, emotionally as well as visually. The power of Nature reminded me of my reading Carlos Castaneda's book's ages ago. Places of Power. I have found many in my life, and sometimes it is not only found in place, but moment, or less often, people. I found both can co-exist.
Anyway, the storms...
They changed me and my walk. They deposited sculptures.
The rocks were incredible the other day, so many crying out for attention I could not choose. Until I saw them. A pair, a couple so alike, yet different. Soft and pleasantly shaped. Not something I normally would reach for. But for today. And it was obvious why they attracted me. Soulmates.
There were waves formed of perfect rocks cast on the shore, being sirens for my reach. Teasing with their colors, forms and subtle textures. I loved the way the water lapped over them, the sensual sound, the foam curling around and then feeling the pull back to it's wave. I was upset that I didn't have my camera, yet it made an indelible image in my mind. Yes, it is beautiful here and I have squandered my time. I need this to be inspired and provoke my creativity once again.
Yesterday, all was gone, swept clean, cleansed of temptation. Another beautiful day yet so different. Not a rock to be seen...dragged away or just covered? The beach was barren of all that color and texture. Nothing beckoning to be touched. I could appreciate the sand for itself. I kept walking.

Today, most of those beautiful colors were back, tempting..."I'm Soft, I'm the Perfect Oval,"or "Me!" Is there really a siren's call to something so simple as a rock!? I refused, I turned my back on the beckoning. I passed the test...or so I thought, for on my way back from Cahoon's to Lecount's, it was waiting. The elongated shape, soft form and unusually bright yellow. It was there, and I must admit, it almost stopped me, but I still had the strength to resist it's call. And I went home to paint.
So much thought about rocks....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

summer scene

Well, Paris has come and gone in a blur. A let down after all of the planning. Kendra was not as interested as I had hoped and was difficult to motivate. Although it was a challenge to navigate the subways and cultural differences, I still love an adventure. More about Paris later.
Well, time has past and summer is in full swing. Wellfleet is always cool, but this year here is so different for me. The boys are in Boston during the week, Kendra is working days , so I have a lot of free time that I have never experienced before.
Idleness and boredom with the perfect summer life. How many walks on the endless beautiful beaches can I take alone? I know that I am in a situation that many would find enviable, but yet this place comes with drawbacks of loneliness. Many relationships here are superficial.
Painting takes me off to another plane where it's not necessary to share thoughts or actions. I painted frantically yesterday in reaction to an emotional outpouring, feelings out of my control. A new friend, a kindred spirit, gone before we could fully explore and experience. I feel the loss but cannot openly demonstrate it or ask for more.