Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm back!

So, Here I am again. Ready to set a few words down. It took so much out of me, holding my breath for Jayne. But it's good news. She will make it. She's been moved to a rehab in Salem NH. to heal and start her therapy. Whether or not she'll be the same Jayne, we won't know for a while, but we'll love her whatever way we can get her! Jayne has hard work ahead of her at the rehab, but at least she's made it there.

This has been a difficult transition for me this fall. Although it is hard to leave the summer and sand behind every year, this seemed so much more. The weather has also contributed to the funk. Grays, no ocean blues and greens. Fall should bring more color into my life as it progresses to change the scenery. Although I seem to remember swearing off painting another series of pretty landscapes. A disappointment this week when I was told that my latest painting was to large to submit to the Arts Alliance Fall juried show, so I didn't bother with the other two paintings I had planned on. I finished setting the three diamonds in Amy's ring this weekend, now I can get to my portraits that await me. The family series. I need to get started with something a little offbeat though too.
It's almost a tease, having facebook and still keeping in touch. Dreams of travel constantly tap my shoulder. I could go. I want to and need to. Even just a quick trip to NYC, for museums, for freedom, for inspiration. For independence.
There is little here to inspire me at the moment.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Supporting Jayne.

Jayne, not just another Jane.
Friend, mother, wife, daughter, neighbor, matter how you know her, you can't forget Jayne.
Jayne is still quite critical after her tragic accident, yet now there is hope that she will recover. To what extent we will get the old Jayne back is not yet known, but I truly believe that she will survive this trauma. Her bones and body can heal, but the scope of damage from the head trauma is not know at this time. And time it will take. It will be work that the family has not yet to realize, but they will become as strong as she is. My heart goes out to John, Alycia, Pat and Mitchel. Even Sam, their golden lab has been lost with out her. John's brothers and sisters are there for the present, backing him up and giving support. Once they have to go back to their lives, I hope that we, friends and neighbors will continue to be there for this family.
I have started another blogsite in support. We hope to have a weekly calendar for sign ups to provide a hot meal for the family at the end of their day before they leave for the hospital to visit. It will be a long recovery and they will truly need us so they can concentrate on helping her. Please visit Supporting Jayne Lombardo on E blogger, or Facebook.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Still hanging on!

Jayne Lombardo lives!
She's still critical but has made it through a few rough days. We didn't think that she would make it to the hospital but she is strong. She will fight to be there for her kids. Right now the doctors are trying to control the swelling on her brain before they operate on her. She has a broken collar bone, pelvis, elbow, legs, ribs, fingers and toes. There is not much left untouched. Her eyes are swollen shut and her vision could be compromised.
But there is hope...
She has many prayers and positive thoughts coming her way. Meals are being prepared for her family by her many friends and neighbors. The kids will try returning to school tomorrow, but this family will never be the same. They will need support for a long time.
Although she doesn't have a blog site yet, anyone wishing to send a message can go onto Facebook and join the group "Supporting Jayne."

Friday, September 5, 2008

Tragedy....seeking positive thoughts for Jayne!

I now seek positive energy for a friend in need.
I left Fleet last week after a beautiful summer and now tragedy has struck again. My close friend and neighbor was hit by a car crossing the street in front of her house just around dark last night. In front of her kids. I heard all of the screams but thought that the kids were playing manhunt, until the cops and ambulances came. It was a horrific sight.The boys that hit her were also school friends of her children. Everyone was screaming and hysterical. Severe head trauma as she went off the windshield before being thrown 25 feet into a stone wall.She was life-flighted out by helicopter, but they couldn't stabilize her to leave for a long time doesn't look good. She might loose an eye and has extensive facial damage, multiple fractures and we don't know if she'll make it yet. The next 48 hours are crucial.
This woman also has spirit similar to the inspirational Caleb Potter. Jayne Lombardo is loved by so many. Always so outgoing and upbeat, Quick with a smile and ready to help anyone. The backbone of her family, friends and everyone she meets, so I hope that she will also make it as far as Caleb has.
I will write more as this woeful tale unfolds in the next few days. After following Caleb's blog for over a year now, I know that she and her family will never be the same and are in for a very long hall.
I call to those places of power that gave me so much inspiration this summer, that magic that comes off of the dunes, the trinkets and treasures to the right of LeCounts, and to anyone that might come across this blog in cyberspace to help send positive karma for Jayne Lombardo!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


A quick trip, just a weekend jaunt. Back to Fleet for a breather before being packed up into my summer box, to be shelved until the return. One morning full of mist and two more of sun. Almost perfect, almost. I'm now resigned to the fact that some things will never measure up, never be the same.
Anyway, the treasure...
The walk was perfect, as the beach was clean. Swept up and away, the shore ever changing. Gone were most landmarks so familiar in July and August. A very high tide had come in with force and gone out with all. Even the sculpted castles and crisp edges had vanished. Vanquished into the rolling blue, to be deposited elsewhere at another time. Only the strong survive they say, and that held true with the treasure...the trinkets and trash were gone. The path of seaweed and gateway were gone. The tide had come up and swept through the original structure. The foundation intact for it's good bones endured. Some tidbits here and there, secure in their place above ground, survived. Surprisingly, the cleansing didn't bother me. The trifle offerings of others, the trash and the ordinary really didn't have a place there among the special things. With no official entryway, it gave invitation to be viewed and enjoyed from many perspectives, just not the obvious. I took a look from the left instead. Another metaphor for my life.