Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm back!

So, Here I am again. Ready to set a few words down. It took so much out of me, holding my breath for Jayne. But it's good news. She will make it. She's been moved to a rehab in Salem NH. to heal and start her therapy. Whether or not she'll be the same Jayne, we won't know for a while, but we'll love her whatever way we can get her! Jayne has hard work ahead of her at the rehab, but at least she's made it there.

This has been a difficult transition for me this fall. Although it is hard to leave the summer and sand behind every year, this seemed so much more. The weather has also contributed to the funk. Grays, no ocean blues and greens. Fall should bring more color into my life as it progresses to change the scenery. Although I seem to remember swearing off painting another series of pretty landscapes. A disappointment this week when I was told that my latest painting was to large to submit to the Arts Alliance Fall juried show, so I didn't bother with the other two paintings I had planned on. I finished setting the three diamonds in Amy's ring this weekend, now I can get to my portraits that await me. The family series. I need to get started with something a little offbeat though too.
It's almost a tease, having facebook and still keeping in touch. Dreams of travel constantly tap my shoulder. I could go. I want to and need to. Even just a quick trip to NYC, for museums, for freedom, for inspiration. For independence.
There is little here to inspire me at the moment.

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