Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Supporting Jayne.

Jayne, not just another Jane.
Friend, mother, wife, daughter, neighbor, volunteer...no matter how you know her, you can't forget Jayne.
Jayne is still quite critical after her tragic accident, yet now there is hope that she will recover. To what extent we will get the old Jayne back is not yet known, but I truly believe that she will survive this trauma. Her bones and body can heal, but the scope of damage from the head trauma is not know at this time. And time it will take. It will be work that the family has not yet to realize, but they will become as strong as she is. My heart goes out to John, Alycia, Pat and Mitchel. Even Sam, their golden lab has been lost with out her. John's brothers and sisters are there for the present, backing him up and giving support. Once they have to go back to their lives, I hope that we, friends and neighbors will continue to be there for this family.
I have started another blogsite in support. We hope to have a weekly calendar for sign ups to provide a hot meal for the family at the end of their day before they leave for the hospital to visit. It will be a long recovery and they will truly need us so they can concentrate on helping her. Please visit Supporting Jayne Lombardo on E blogger, or Facebook.


Sharyn said...

Jane - I too was so pleased to spend time with yuo. Can I overninght a cooked ham or lobsters to the family? Please e-mail an adress.
Thinking of the two Janes/Jaynes tonight. Sharyn

Jeff- in the Berkshires said...

I continue to carry Jayne in my thoughts. Peace to you as well.

janet said...

I'm glad that Jayne is making progress. I passed the hospital, visiting family in Worcester this weekend, and sent wishes and positive thoughts Jayne's way as I bumped my way up the hill. It's great how your town is coming together to help. Blessings, peace, hope to all of you.
Janet in Eastham