Monday, August 11, 2008

Discovered, precious and shared

As they say, things are not the way they seem. I could not find my way to write yesterday, as things were so ordinary in a new light. There was no mist to cover and protect, no spirit today. The light of a warm sunny day brought more people along the shores. Out to wander and come upon what I treasure already. I reached my special place, and found it had been discovered. By many. It wasn't the same.
It was a bad omen when I saw that a few of my stone guardians were torn from their roost. To hold beach blankets from the wind. Casually hugging the corners, un-caressed, just tossed down.
Today I will restore, as the fog has returned with Monday vengeance.
Yet, a good omen today, for I have made a friend so far away. My trinket spirit is watching.

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