Monday, August 4, 2008

Shadows on the Sand

The shore today was different, and my usual quest for the perfect rock, uninviting. What I did notice was scent and sound. The mung was back. Thick, and weighting the lazy wash upon the shore, seemingly slower than usual. Inviting for the plovers. It was one of those busy days, as many were enjoying the beach. They played, surfed or frolicked without noticing the actual beauty of what entices most to the edge of Wellfleet. From Lecounts to Cahoons and back to Marconi I strolled past a few gems just calling to be inspected, but today I was more interested in their sounds. I could tell where they were hiding. Below the waves, the roll, tumble and scraping. It was the music that played with the shadows cast by the clouds.
Billowing with gleams of bright behind, they came fast. Their shadows were the star of the day, as they gracefully swept down the beach, like a blanket lifted off to reveal. Whether highlighting the sand cliffs by pulling off the darkness, or sweeping over me and kissing me with it's warmth, the contrast painted the landscape with numerous passes. I like days with a surprise ending, and sure enough, at my little spot by the crest before Marconi...clarity. No mung, clear aqua and calm. A gentle swim before resting on the sand listening to those rocks rolls back into the fingers that pull.
A new painting started to take shape today, from the sand shadows and KB's remark about Cowgirl in the Sand. Was it mentioned in order to have a closer look at the lyric' it The Woman in me that makes me want to play this game?

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